Introducing the EU WeMED_NATOUR Steering Committee members! The Steering Committee is set up to monitor the project’s progress (milestones and deliverables), conduct the quality assessment, and verify the visibility of the project’s results.
The Steering Committee will have regular virtual meetings (about 1 each 6 months) and carry out monitoring and evaluation activities in order to detect obstacles to the correct project development in time, supported by the Coordinator and the overall Consortium.
Maurizio Davolio
Maurizio Davolio is the President of AITR, the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism.
He is vice president of ISTO, the international organization of social tourism. He is a member of the National Council for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Davolio has dedicated his entire professional life to tourism, in particular to cooperative tourism. For twenty years he was responsible for tourism for Legacoop and for the International Cooperative Alliance. He lectures and courses in various Italian universities, is the author of books and essays.
António José Correia
António José Correia, 68 years old, born in Peniche, married with 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters, I define myself as a “co-builder of collaborative networks” and my favorite natural element is WATER.
Since January 2018, I have been a collaborator of Fórum Oceano – Associação da Economia do Mar, an entity recognized by the Portuguese government as a promoter of the Portuguese Sea Cluster. As Coordinator of the nautical and nautical tourism sector, I support the design and development of national and international cooperation projects and the organization of events and networking. I am responsible for coordinating and promoting the Network of Nautical Stations of Portugal, certified and coordinated by Fórum Oceano, and in partnership with Turismo de Portugal, municipalities, business associations and other public and private entities. In Fórum Oceano and the Network of Nautical Stations of Portugal, we have been working with school sports in order to follow what has been done in that area. With projects like Mar&Ar, aimed to students of basic, secondary, and higher educations to promote the professional options of young people and the needs identified in the aerospace and maritime sectors, promoting the emergence of innovative and entrepreneurial responses to the social and societal challenges of territories; and TecAtlantic that seeks to respond to the challenge that the need for qualified professionals represents for the blue economy.
Also, in January 2018, I started a consulting collaboration with the Oceano Azul Foundation where I have been working on the creation of Marine Protected Areas. One of the most demanding, challenging and rewarding life experiences was undoubtedly that I was Mayor of Peniche for 12 years (2005-2017)! There were 12 intense years of territorial development anchored in the Ocean and always guided by sustainability in its environmental, social, cultural and economic dimensions. “The Coolest Mayor on Tour”, as I was called by the ASPs and the world’s elite surfers says (almost) everything about my contribution to the development of surfing in Portugal and the international promotion of the country through major events of this modality. From 2009 onwards, there was an intense collaboration with Turismo de Portugal, to whom the country’s strategic commitment is due, in the affirmation of Portugal as one of the most important surfing destinations in the world.
I have a higher education in the financial area and have professional experience in the economy of the sea, having been a member of the Board of Fórum Oceano, President of the City Council of Peniche (2005-2017), elected external member of the General Council of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (2014-2022) and the same position on the General Council of the Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, from May 2021. I was also a school teacher for many years which developed a sense of teaching and spread knowledge. A position that also honors me is being Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Canoeing Federation, since 2017.
Patricia Bergström
Patricia Bergström has been a teacher and teacher trainer for over 25 years and has held leadership positions in the education sector. She is a Global Schools Advocate and Mentor and is currently involved in a pilot project to integrate Sustainable Development Goals into training programmes offered by the Institute of Humane Education. She is also the Coordinator for Spain for the Global Teachers Club empowering teachers all over the world via webinars, networking and training.
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