After a 28-month journey of collaboration and innovation, the EU WeMED Na_TOUR project has concluded, leaving a legacy of increased environmental awareness and advanced knowledge and practices on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region.
Results and achievements of the project were celebrated and shared with experts and stakeholders of the Blue Economy during the final dissemination event, which took place on October 3rd at the WestMED Hackathon in the Algarve (Portugal). Organised by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism, in collaboration with Direção-Geral de Política do Mar (Portugal), CINEA, and DG MARE, the event brought together 87 participants from 15 different countries and representatives from major EU funding bodies such as EMFAF, Erasmus+, and Interreg.
The project’s achievements were showcased at the Hackathon’s pitching session, spotlighting EU WeMED Na_TOUR’s impact and vision for a sustainable Mediterranean future. EU WeMED Na_TOUR’s pitching, delivered by Marika Mazzi Boém, Project Coordinator, is available online on YouTube at the following link:
This final gathering also offered project partners the opportunity to network and explore future partnerships to keep advancing sustainable tourism practices, among which strategies and synergies to keep on capitalising and disseminating EU WeMED Na_TOUR’s results, lessons learnt and approaches.
On October 4th, the Final Partner Meeting was celebrated, during which partners shared essential insights gained from their work, including the importance of community engagement, stakeholder alignment and the role of education and awareness in sustainability for the successful implementation of the project’s activities. Although EU WeMED Na_TOUR has officially ended, the work toward sustainable coastal tourism continues. Partners also discussed strategies to further integrate sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing the need for ongoing partnerships, capacity-building efforts, and local empowerment initiatives.
The conclusion of this flagship EMFAF project marks not an endpoint, but a launching pad for several ambitious initiatives set to transform educational tourism across the Mediterranean including:
The journey to sustainable tourism is not over yet. Keep following us and checking out our website to discover new opportunities to continue contributing to the Blue Growth of the Mediterranean area.
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