Transforming the universal concept of sustainability into concrete actions in tourism means working on two fundamental dimensions, valid for each kind of leisure tourism, also for school travels.
The first is that of the timeline, which in tourism means aiming for a seasonality of tourism during 12 months a year, reducing excess human load in the most crowded destinations mainly in summer.
It works by attracting those high-spending and long-haul markets that can bring economy to tourism areas and those that choose to travel outside of crowds. We are talking about the US market, the Central and South American ones and about Asia, which have contributed to ensuring that today the foreign share in Europe is more incisive in the spring months and in the September-October period.
On this approach school tourism is naturally engaged in this process of enlargement of seasonality of flows, because during the crowded period schools are closed.
The second dimension is that of space, responding to the need to move flows from the large well-known hubs towards lesser-known tourism destinations, those hidden gems waiting to be discovered like villages which so much represent the authenticity of European culture and society, of the past, of the present and of the future.
Particularly related to seaside destinations, the discovering of new and less known seaside landscapes, where students can really feel the nature and contribute to its protection, with activities oriented to enhance the value of cultural and natural local heritage in concrete experiences, can be a gift for the destinations as it can be a gift for the students in terms of enrichment and empowerment of their skills.
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