On 2nd and 3rd October, ten students (aged 10 to 12) from TLC International School in Mauritania joined the domestic pilot trip organized to help them discover the sustainable activities and practices in Nouakchott.
Over the two days, pupils embarked on activities in the capital city revolving around the local flora and fauna and the local culture. Activities included a guided visit to the Awleigatt National Park and to the port of Tanit, where they discovered marine products, observed traditional fishing techniques and discussed with local fishermen sustainable practices put in place to protect species and anticipate environmental threats. They had the opportunity to experience the importance of sustainable tourism and environmental protection hands-first, by taking part in a beach clean-up activity, which helped to raise their environmental awareness.
Students expressed their overall high satisfaction of the pilot trip and activities carried out and particularly enjoyed the interactive learning activities at the basis of the EU We MED_ NaTOUR’s ‘learning by visiting’ approach . Here are some of the lessons learned shared by the participants:
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