From the 23rd to the 24 of May, seventeen students from a 7th-grade class from Estarreja Public School joined the domestic pilot trip crafted for them to experience the region’s natural, cultural and intangible heritage.
Participants enjoyed two days of activities focused on the unique elements of the territories of the 6 Nautical Stations. They enjoyed a guided tour of the BioRia to discover local flora and fauna, a visit to the Monte Branco Shipyard-Museum with a bow painting experience on a moliceiro boat, the typical boat of the region, and they learnt how to surfskate. Among the other activities, they hopped on an electro-solar boat to visit Salicornia plantations and learn about oyster farming and also visited the Troncalhada Ecomuseum to learn the importance of aquatic ecosystems.
Here are some of the lessons learned shared by the participants:
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