On March 20th 2024, the Community-based Design Thinking Workshop organized in Italy was held in Grado at the Sala del Consiglio GIT (Grado Impianti Turistici S.p.A.).
The goal of the workshop was to present the eco-smart tourism package and discuss the itinerary designed for Grado, adapting it to the ideas and suggestions presented by the local stakeholders.
Therefore, after the presentation of the EU WeMED NA_Tour Project, its goals, and the eco-tourism packages for students, the participants were then invited to sit together to give feedback and discuss how sustainable and digital measures are or could be implemented into the local context.
To define the itinerary of the eco-smart tourism package, activities and places suggested were annotated on the virtual whiteboard with the aid of a virtual map.
Among the ideas and topics discussed, the usefulness of the following emerged:
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