Changing the sustainable tourism game in the West Mediterranean region, EU co-funded project WeMED_NaTOUR is launched by the Consortium Partners in September 2022 in Rome
WeMED_NaTOUR is an EU co-funded project that aims at protecting the West Mediterranean coastal destinations by building up the capacity of the SMEs based in that region and designing eco-smart tourism packages that attracts kids of 3 groups of new generations- 6-10 years old; 11-13 years old; and 14-16 years old. The Project is cross-continental conducted by 7 companies/agencies from ENIT and Xóôlab|Sviluppo from Italy, International Social Tourism Organisation from Belgium, Asociacion Cluster Nautico de las Islas Baleares and Travel without Plastic from Spain, Turismo de Portugal from Portugal, and Office National de Tourisme Mauritanie from Mauritania. The Consortium Partners have a diverse background of expertise: ranging from national tourism boards to specialists in sustainability; researchers to hubs in the nautical sector. Together, the specialists gathered and aimed at focusing on West Mediterranean natural marine sites and maritime/coastal destinations to develop transnational eco-smart tourism packages that are sustainable and responsible following the blue economy strategy.
The WeMED_NaTOUR project will design and pilot 2 activities which will contribute in supporting the tourism stakeholders to tap into the growing ecotourism market which is still a niche market with specific reference to coastal and marine destinations; the business environment for tourism SMEs will also improve. Lastly, the WeMED Na_TOUR project will enable the participating tourism companies to amplify their knowledge of innovation and digitalisation which will be fundamental to increase the economic growth and the jobs in the Mediterranean.
Let’s dive into the project activities!
The Capacity Building Programme-
The Capacity Building Programme is a specialised online training course providing knowledge in marine and tourism-related policies and actions to tourism SMEs in the West Mediterranean region; the online training course is also designed for schools as a complementary component for the eco-smart packages, the second activity of the project.
Eco-smart Tourism Packages-
The eco-smart tourism packages will be designed under the paradigm of eco-sustainability and responsible tourism criteria. It is a high quality tourism product that will attract kid/s and young tourists, highlighting their unique value involving EU and non EU tourism SMEs in the design and delivery.
The project kicked off in July 2022 in Rome, the Consortium partners got to meet each other in person for the first time! The partners discussed the work packages and brainstormed solutions to the possible risks, and new ways about the details of the project. The partners are very passionate and excited about the impact that is about to be made in the West Mediterranean region, and the new phase of the tourism SMEs, the new attitude the new generations will have with the coastal destinations.
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