Which are the next steps of the project EU WeMED_NaTOUR for making a blue impact on the Mediterranean and stopping the detrimental impact of the tourism industry?
EU WeMED_NaTOUR Project, co-funded by the EU EMFAF programme with a fund managed by CINEA, brings in transnational cooperation and cross-sectorial efforts to present Capacity Building Programme and Eco-smart school trips to improve the economic development in a resilient way.
From Italy to Spain, Spain to Portugal, and Portugal to Mauritania, EU WeMED_NaTOUR united experts from different sectors to bring forward the solutions of making a change in the Mediterranean, taking the environmental and economic development of the destinations seriously. Research after research, study after study, meeting after meeting, the project is delighted to engage tourism SMEs and schools in this journey!
EU WeMED_NaTOUR Capacity Building Programme
Started in October, the EU WeMED_NaTOUR Capacity Building Programme gives the opportunity for tourism SMEs to take part in an online course, giving a 360° outlook on sustainable tourism and the blue economy. The programme is composed of practical recommendations related to the environment, community engagement, and strategies for communicating to continuously elevate the business.
Tourism SMEs are indeed the key to the change. By raising consciousness and awareness of sustainability, the tourism sector will be transformed day by day, into a more sustainable and resilient industry. The Capacity Building Programme is now launched and will be open until the 23rd of October! Register and start the learning journey here!
Eco-smart Tourism Package- Bring the classrooms into nature!
Schools and the younger generation are also involved in the change! The project selects 4 schools located in Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Mauritania. The so-called Eco-smart Tourism Package is moving classrooms into nature, teaching the younger generation the meaning and importance of sustainable travelling. The trips will be fully funded, it is an unmissable occasion..
So are you ready to stand up for the health and sustainable development of the Mediterranean? No step is too small, taking care of the Mediterranean is a responsibility of the stakeholders of the earth!
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