Based on an Italian study developed by Studio Giaccardi & associati from the answers of over 1,098 interviews between 2022 and 2023 throughout the national territory, published on June 2023, it emerges that the so-called "heat factor", i.e. the intense heat waves that characterized 2022, but which are also continuing this summer, act as a "transversal dominant factor".
The results of the questionnaire were used to develop eight metrics useful for measuring how the consequences of climate change are perceived at a social level. Starting from the answers obtained, analysis were drawn up on the key aspects that emerged from the interviews, namely:
Priorities in combating the climate emergency. There is a "strong propensity for clarity and concreteness" and in fact the majority response is the request to "act immediately and invest concretely" to counter the impacts of climate change, an answer given by 39.3% of the sample.
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