In 2022, there were over 960 million tourists traveling internationally, with a 66% recovery of the 2019 volume of around 1.5 billion (-34.3%) and an increase of +111.2 on 2021.
Europe records the highest number of inbound travellers: 594.5 million arrivals (62% of total) and a significant increase of +95% on 2021. The result is still below 2019 levels, but only by -20%.
Even in economic terms, Europe shows the best results in 2022 with 520 billion euros of tourism revenues. This is 13.1% less than the 2019 collections, the smallest difference in pre-pandemic revenues compared to the worldwide result and the other geographical areas.
According to UNWTO estimates, between January and March 2023, international tourism increased by +86% compared to the same period in 2022. About 235 million tourists traveled abroad.
In the first quarter of 2023, international arrivals reach 80% of pre-pandemic levels (-20% on January-March 2019), supported by strong results in Europe (-10%) and the Middle East (+15%). Overall, the European area recovers 90% thanks to robust intra-regional demand.
Germany, followed by France, Italy and Spain, are confirmed in 2022 as the major expeditor countries.
International tourist arrivals in Europe 2006-2022 (in million)
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